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Winter Wheat

Saturday, 1st December 2001, West Yorkshire

gulls GREEN SHOOTS of winter wheat are springing up on the field below Storrs Hill. A few gulls fly over as I spot two white shapes in the field. They're not gulls . . . and they don't look like pieces of litter; through binoculars I can see that they are two large white mushrooms.mushroom

The moon rising above a nearby factory looms large. It's just past full and starting to loose its right-hand margin.

Winter Quarters

moth I climb into the attic to bring down an old bread-maker, repaired by my brother-in-law, which we're now passing on to our niece to try out. The box has been adopted as winter quarters; spideras I open it a small moth flies out, then a spider scurries out and finally we have to evict an unidentified insect from its snug home in the folds of the insulated page

Richard Bell
Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

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