Flotsam and Balsam

Monday, 12th December 2005


Two moorhens are pecking amongst the died-back remnants of the balsam and the strandline of rubbish at the edge of the river. In a deeper, calmer channel nearby, a single dabchick is diving - the first I've seen for a while. Perhaps its regular marshy pond is now frozen.


Crumbs for Canadas


sunsetIn Thornes Park, Canada geese gather around a man who will probably be the last to offer them breadcrumbs as dusk approaches.

It's the kind of sky that I always associate with winter. I don't think that you get these colour harmonies at any other time of year. There's that subtle pale yellowy/greeny/bluey band of sky near the horizon, banks of mauvish blue clouds, the colour of distant hills, highlighted by rosy gold. Next Page

Richard Bell, richard@willowisland.co.uk