Home-grown Meadow

Thursday, 14th July 2005

meadowmeadowAfter all the work, at last the 'meadow area' is starting to look like a meadow. I sowed this triangle of ground beyond the veg beds with wild flower seeds about 3 months ago and I wondered if the regular weeds were going to take over before the wild flowers got established but the meadow mixtures, particularly cornfield weeds like poppy, corn marigold and now corn cockle (left, bottom left) are beginning to show. There are some tall opium poppies in the background (right), which I intend to remove. This part of the garden is for our native flora.

poppyThere's already a buzz of bees amongst the flowers.

Unfortunately, I haven't got time to get down there drawing at the moment but I wanted to photograph the first flush of colour.

I think I'm going to get a lot of use from this wild patch at the end of the garden which is no larger than your average living room. Next Page

Richard Bell, richard@willowisland.co.uk