Snow White
& the Seven Dwarfs

Thursday, 27th November 2008


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The other six would never admit it but they were jealous of Dwarf Kenny’s green tights!

(He performs Queen’s ‘I want to break free!’ in the second half)

CURTAIN UP at last and it’s a GREAT little show!


The audience is here . . .

There’s magic in the air . . .

. . . and in the mirror.

Actually Ken (our painter) doesn’t play a dwarf in this production; he’s scribe to Justice Quill (left). But he does wear the green tights!

Our show’s got it’s
Drama Queens . . .

. . . and dwarfs.

. . . fairies and fools . . .

. . . dames and damsels.

So, if you join us deep in the woods today, you’ll meet . . .

Snow White is the fairest in the land!

A good night out!