Wild West Yorkshire nature diary
heron wren

Soft Rain

Thursday 23rd March 2000
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heron SOFT RAIN patters on the canal. After yesterday's taste of summer, today we've moved on to the mists of autumn. Weather like this reminds me of the Lake District, in the wetter north-west of England. Mist softens the outlines of trees like a smudged pastel drawing. It obscures the distant view but emphasises the spaces in the near distance between cottages and strips of woodland. On most days everything on the valley side is equally clear to view, but today there is an atmospheric recession into the perspective.

hawthorn leaves The landscape is subdued, monochromatic, but the bright green buds on the Hawthorn are a reminder that within weeks the bare canal-side hedges will have burst into colour, like a film changing from black and white to technicolor.

heron wren Wrens buzz directly from the overhanging vegetation on one side of the canal to the other. A Grey Heron crosses more sedately, at treetop height.

Richard Bell
Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

E-mail; 'richard@daelnet.co.uk'

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