Black birds' broods

Wild West Yorkshire nature diary, Friday 28th May 1999

'White-tail' our resident blackbird OUR GARDEN BLACKBIRDS apparently get their brood out of the nest today. This morning the adults are feeding as usual, but in the afternoon they are in next door's willow hedges alarming incessantly ('Pink! Pink! Pink! Pink! Pink! . . .) and still collecting food. We don't catch site of any of the chicks.

coot feeding young On the rushy field a Coot feeds one of its young while another youngster sits on the nest.

Brown slugs, which are rather more slender than the big black variety, are out on the Causey Stone path this evening. One slug follows another, whether it is a male following a female or vice-versa isn't a problem; slugs are hermaphrodite, simultaneously both male and female.

slug Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

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