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Brimham Flora

Thursday 30th August 2001, North Yorkshire

wood avens WOOD AVENS grows at the edge of the track through the woodland at the foot of the slope below the millstone grit edge at Brimham Rocks. With its hooked fruits, it's a plant that easily spreads, hitching a lift on passing dogs, sheep or hiker's socks.

eyebright The tiny whitish flowers of Eyebright, which remind me of wild thyme flowers, are out on the turf at the side of the path in more open places. This plant is semi-parasitic, tapping into the roots of neighbouring plants which share its nutrient-poor habitat.

cinquefoil, a close relative of tormentilTormentil, with four petals on most of it's yellow buttercup-like flowers, also grows in open grassy places. next page

Richard Bell
Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

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