Green Alkanet

Monday, 23rd May 2005, page 2 of 2, Norfolk

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green alkanet

hawthorn blossomGreen Alkanet, Pentaglottis sempervirens, grows in the shade by the side of a grassy path under poplars with hogweed, nettle, white deadnettle, primrose, honesty and red campion at the woodland edge of the garden of the cottage we're staying in. There's a blue swathe of it at the edge the lane to Bacton church, growing at the foot of a wall.

hawthorn blossom The ink in the Artists Sketching Pen I bought this morning is alcohol based. Drawing the hawthorn blossom (top right) on this Gutenberg paper is like drawing on blotting paper with it and unfortunately odd blobs go right through to the other side of the page.

This Edding 1800 with an 0.3 mm fibre tip in black permanent ink is much better suited for drawing the detail of the blossom on the hedge by the alkanet (blossom drawn 24/5/05).

trees at North WalshamTrees at Sainsburys

5.15 p.m. I painted these with my larger paintbox, the White Nights watercolours, as I waited for Barbara and her mum outside Sainsbury's supermarket North Walsham.

You can see where the brown of the Artists Sketching Pen seeped through the page (see above).

treeWith so much foliage waving about in the afternoon sun, changing its appearance as I painted, I felt I hadn't caught the structure of the trees so I switched to a brown pen (Edding 1800?) and started drawing the left hand side of the group again. Next Page

Richard Bell,

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