Woodland Path

Wild West Yorkshire nature diary
Friday 20th August 1999

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goldfinchesspear thistle in flower, spring A WISP OF THISTLEDOWN drifts across the pavement. A pair of Goldfinches are feeding on a clump of gone-to-seed Spear Thistles on a demolition site that was the garden of a little Victorian house until a year or two ago.

Click for animation As we walk into the wood we surprise a young Rabbit as it hops around a corner of the path. I decide to try and capture its movement, rather than that of the floating thistledown. The animation is 164 KB and takes around 30-90 seconds to download under ideal conditions.

kestrelwheat It has been a while since we took our regular walk. Increasingly there is a touch of autumn in the air. It isn't just thistles that have gone to seed. We are surprised that the field of wheat I sketched at the beginning of August has yet to be harvested.

In the valley two Kestrels hunt close together. Perhaps a pair, or an adult hunting alongside one of this year's young.

Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

E-mail; 'richard@daelnet.co.uk'
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